By-Laws, Constitution and Rule Book
“Serving our youth since 1971”
Reprinted February 2011
- By-Laws and Constitution
- Field Use/Care
- Rules of the Recreation Program
- Rules of the Travel Program
- Rules of the Indoor Program
- Summer Soccer Camps
- SAGE Policy
- Mandatory Kidsafe & Fingerprinting (See "Links" on HUSA web Home Page)
Section A: General meetings of HUSA will be held on the third (3rd) Tuesday of each month (except July and December) at 8:00 pm at the Cullen Center in Veteran’s Park, Hazlet, NJ. Executive Board meetings will normally be conducted on the first (1st) Monday of the month.
Section B: Special meetings may be called by the President or by petition by three (3) voting members. The Secretary will be responsible for notifying the membership of the time, place and purpose of the meeting. No business will be transacted at a special meeting other than the item/items which caused the special meeting to be called.
Section C: There must be a simple majority of Executive Board members and at least ten (10) voting members of HUSA present in order for business to be conducted at any General or Special meeting.
At each General meeting the following protocal shall be followed by the presiding Executive Board member in the following order:
Flag salute, welcome, adoption of monthly minutes, adoption of monthly budget report, Travel report, Rec report, League reps report, individual committee reports, floor open for any public input of new business, motion to close meeting, second.
Section A: All registrations and team assignments in HUSA will be handled by the Vice Presidents of each program.
Section B: Fees
(1) Fees will be determined on an annual basis. Coaches, asst. coaches, committee chairpersons will receive a discount of the registration fees as the budget allows.
(2) Coaches, asst. coaches and committee chairpersons will not pay a work deposit.
(3) Hardship cases will be taken into consideration.
(For more information on the registration fees and discounts etc, please see the HUSA web site Links.)
Section A: The organization shall be known as the Hazlet United Soccer Association, Inc. herein known as HUSA.
Section B: The objectives of HUSA will be:
(1) To provide an organized, fun and competitive outlet for the youth of Hazlet and other towns.
(2) To promote the game of soccer, good sportsmanship and fair play within an atmosphere of “unconditional and selfless volunteerism”
(3) To organize and operate a soccer league, both recreational and traveling.
(4) To provide soccer instruction to the players registered.
Section C: HUSA will be conducted as a non-profit organization, no part of any profits or remainder of any capital will be diverted from HUSA for the benefit of any member. All monies raised will be used to benefit the soccer program.
Section D: All decisions of HUSA will be based on what is in the best interests of the children participating in the program.
Section A: Membership shall be open to all persons eighteen (18) years of age or older, who have children registered in the association, or who currently hold an officers’ position, coach (asst. coach) or committee position.
Section B: Any question as to whether an individual is a member in good-standing will be determined by the Executive Board with the President deciding in the event of a tie.
Section C: Membership will be terminated upon:
(1) Resignation of the member; or
(2) Removal by vote of the membership. A vote of removal requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present and voting. Cause for removal must be stated to the membership after investigation by a three (3) member committee appointed by the President and President with final decision.
Section A: All members in good-standing who have attended a minimum of two (2) general membership meetings, regular or special (eligible to vote at the third (3rd)) within the proper twelve (12) months, will be eligible to vote.
Section B: The list of members eligible to vote will be maintained by the Secretary. The list will be based on the signatures in the general membership meeting sign-in book. Decisions on the authenticity of a signature will be made by the Secretary.
Section C: Absentee ballots and voting by proxy will be allowed only upon approved exception by the Executive Board after receiving written request for same, or, in certain cases, upon approval approval by the President.
Section D: Voting may be by secret ballot or call of the roll at the discretion of the President or other presiding officers.
Section E: Day to day issues involving policy and/or procedure requires no specific voting of the general membership, and shall be a working function of the Executive Board. However, in certain situations, it may be necessary that issues be voted upon. In such cases, the vote shall require the approval of a simple majority of all eligible voting members present at the meeting and, if applicable, by proxy, except where otherwise stated in the By-Laws, Constitution and Rule Book
Section F: Any requested amendments, additions or deletions to the By-Laws, Constitution and Rule Book requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all eligible members present at the meeting, and, if applicable, by proxy. All requests for said changes must first be submitted to the Executive Board and all members present at the general membership meeting at least one (1) month prior to a vote on the change. A reasonable amount of time will be allowed for discussion, and a special meeting may be called if any member of the board deems necessary. All votes on said changes will be taken after the discussion is concluded. Under emergent circumstances, the President may waive the one (1) meeting rule.
Section A: The officers of HUSA will consist of:
(1) President
(2) Two (2) Vice-Presidents, recreation
(3) Two (2) Vice Presidents, traveling
(4) Secretary
(5) Treasurer
Section B: The officers will serve a term of one (1) year beginning on July 1st and ending on June 30th of the following year.
Section C: Nominations will be requested from the general membership during the May meeting. Nominations for the officer positions shall be made in writing to the Secretary. Each nomination from the membership requires a second. Nominations/seconds/applicants must be made by members in good-standing. All positions will be elected by the general membership.
Section D: Members of HUSA to serve as officers, must be a member in good-standing and have attended a minimum of two (2) general membership meetings, regular or special, during the prior twelve (12) months of May 15th.
Section E: Officers will be elected, following the three (3) minute presentation as the last order of business during the June meeting.
Section F: The procedure for elections shall be as follows:
(1) If there is only one (1) nominee for a position, the President or other presiding officer, will cast one (1) vote, publicly and the nominee shall be elected to the office.
(2) The nominee for any office is deemed elected upon receiving a simple majority of votes cast for the office.
(3) If no nominee receives a simple majority, where three (3) or more nominees are in contention, a run-off election will be held between the two (2) remaining nominees receiving the highest number of votes.
(4) A special election will be held within thirty (30) days to fill any vacancy if more than ninety (90) days remaining in the term of office: The President will make an interim appointment to fill the vacancy. The person appointed will serve until a special election is held or the term of office expires.
Section A: The President is the representative of the general membership and must sign all agreements and contracts and those shown elsewhere in the Constitution and By-laws:
(1) Sign checks
(2) To appoint committees and Board Administrators
(3) To remove committee members
(4) To call special meetings and to preside at all meetings.
(5) To appoint an officer to carry-out the business of the association in their absence.
Section B: Vice-Presidents of Recreation (2) are the representatives of the members associated with the recreation program.
(1) In the President’s absence or incapacity to perform the duties of the President, and in the event of the absence or inability of the 1st Vice President of Travel to fill in, the 1st Vice President of Rec will assume said duties.
Section C: Vice-Presidents of Travel (2) are the representatives of the members of the Travel program and also has the following responsibilities:
(1) In the President’s absence or inability to perform the duties of the President, the 1st Vice President of Travel will assume said duties.
Section D: Secretary - The incumbent has the following responsibilities:
(1) To keep the minutes of all meetings.
(2) To maintain an accurate membership roll
(3) To maintain custody of all records, except those maintained by the Treasurer.
(4) To administer the HUSA soccer scholarship program.
(5) Keep current copy of By-laws, Constitution and Rules for the club.
Section E: Treasurer - The incumbent has the following responsibilities:
(1) Keep an accurate accounting of all receipts and expenses and other financial transactions.
(2) Maintain and balance all bank accounts.
(3) Sign checks.
(4) To present a financial report at each monthly meeting.
(5) To close the books of HUSA for the year on or before June 30th.
(6) To maintain separate accounts enabling HUSA to quickly determine the major expenses by the category such as maintenance, uniforms, etc.
(7) To adopt a budget.
Section A: All committees and Board Administrators will be appointed by the President and will abide by the By-laws, Constitution and Rules of HUSA.
All of the property (approx. 15 acres) that comprises the Hazlet soccer complex was purchased by the Township of Hazlet years ago by funding through the State of New Jersey Green Acres Program. Because of this, the use of the property comes under the purview of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). We have been fortunate to be designated by the Township as the primary permit holder of the complex. Attached as Exhibit B is a document entitled the Rules of the DEP concerning our complex which must be complied with by HUSA.
HUSA is solely responsible for the care and usage of the complex. The Association has worked very long and hard to make the complex a first class facility. In 1995, HUSA began a redevelopment campaign that included adding over 60,000 square feet of new sod for the fields, a reconfiguration of the fields to make them wider and longer, the repair of the Foodstand building, widening of the roadway, expansion of the parking lot, the installation of a sprinkler system on Field 5, and the repair or replacement of the existing sprinklers on Fields 1-4.
(HUSA receives no direct financial support from the Township, although the Township does offer support in a myriad of other ways, and plays an important role in the stability of our Association’s existence.)
This redevelopment took approximately 3 years to complete and the results have been wonderful; it brought a sense of pride back to HUSA. However, it was soon discoveredthat the hardest part was “maintaining” the fields in their first classcondition.
As such, HUSA has determined that field maintenance and field usage are primary concernsto the Association,and are the responsibility of not just theExecutive Board or the field maintenance committee, but of every coach, player and parent. It is the policy of HUSA that a deliberate and carefully planned annual maintenance program must be implemented, and the use of the fields must be fairly and reasonably regulated, so as to perpetuate its first class status.
Because of the size of our membership and the intense use of the fields, the annual budget must include a full lawn care program of at least six (6) treatments per year. In addition, the budget must also include the annual purchase of lime, sod and heavy traffic athletic grass seed. The budget shall also provide for the repair and/or replacement of the sprinkler system and the periodic purchase of lawn equipment as needed.
The fields shall be treated at least six (6) times per year, beginning in early March and ending in late October. All fields are to be over-seeded and, where needed, re-sodded every summer, as this is the only time that rehabilitative work can be accomplished. For this reason, the fields are to be limited for summer use except for the camps. The fields can also be over-seeded in late Fall when the season is just about to end. The fields must also be core aerated and limed at least once per year.
Because of the growing size of our membership, and because the condition of the fields is a primary concern to HUSA, the use of the fields must be regulated and shared fairly by all. Practices at the complex shall be permitted AS CONDITIONS ALLOW. Any other practices must be held off-site. All teams shall comply with this policy - with no exceptions. At the beginning of each soccer season, the Field Scheduler shall be responsible to create a chart of each team’s practice time, a copy of which shall be given to all coaches before the beginning of the season.
HUSA has promulgated an “Alternate Field Use Policy” at the complex that has been effective, thanks to the cooperation of the coaches. Following is that policy:
(a) Mon/Wed (Travel /REC Teams); Tues/Thurs (Travel/Rec Teams) Fri (Both)
(b) Travel teams and Rec teams must schedule your practice with our practice field scheduler BEFORE your practice.
(c) Know which fields are “open” for practice and use only those fields, as they are periodically rotated during the year. Each week CHECK YOUR EMAILS FOR THE CURRENT SCHEDULE. If there is no room for you when you get to the fields, share a smaller space with someone else - DO NOT move to a field that is closed & marked “Keep Off.”
(d) Always practice “perpendicular” or “cross-field” and outside the 6 yard goal area, using the small BLUE practice goals. You may use the large goals to practice corner kicks, PKs, free kicks etc. for only 15 minutes of your practice time.
(e) Please return the practice goals to the sidelines when you are done.
(f) Do not un-stake any goals at the complex.
(g) Do not use any part of the fields where there is standing water.
(h) Last one out of the Complex should make sure the sheds & bathrooms are locked.
A tremendous amount of time, effort and hard work over the past years have resulted in Hazlet having one of the best facilities in the shore area. We spend approximately $20,000 each year to maintain, care for & redevelop the fields. The above Alternate Field Use policy helps insure the continued well-being and condition of our fields. Thank you for cooperation.
If a team would like to conduct a scrimmage at the complex, they can do so provided: they use the scrimmage as their weekly practice, there is a field available and the coach or their representative had previously assisted in lining/making fields before the beginning of the season.
Non-compliance with the “Alternate Field Use Policy” or the seasonal field schedule chart more than two (2) times shall result in that team forfeiting their practice/scrimmage time for the remainder of that 1/2 season.. Repeated non-compliance shall result in that team having their practice and scrimmage privileges revoked indefinitely.
It is the intention and objective of HUSA to conduct an instructional soccer program, whereby the “skills of the game” and good sportsmanship can be taught to children at the earliest possible age, and to continue to develop these ideals in a fun-filled environment. This is the essence of our Recreation Program. It is understood that the game of soccer must be introduced to children gradually and progressively, and that the soccer environment must be conducive to these ideals. To these ends, HUSA has adopted the philosophies promulgated by US Soccer and NJYS, and shall conduct a true progressive recreational program.
HUSA shall have the following four (4) basic age groupings:
(a) Peanuts - for the youngest children, starting at age 4;
(b) Micro Soccer - for U6;
(c) Short Sided Soccer - for U7 - U12;
(d) Full Sided Soccer - for U13 - U18.
Flight* Ball Field Size* Goal Size Players vs. FIFA Rules Standings Game*
Peanuts 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
U6 3 40 x 60yds 6 1/2 x 12’ TBD No No TBD
U7 - 10 4 50 x 70yds 7 x 21’ TBD Yes No TBD
U11 to 14 5 Full 8 x 24’ 10 + keeper Yes No TBD
* Flights shall be arranged by the VPs each year depending upon the number of registrations
* Field sizes are approximate and may be modified by the VPs to conform to field availability & player development
* Game times shall be decided by the VPs
The coaches shall be determined by the Vice Presidents. There shall be a coach for each team. All coaches must be licensed by the State, except in the case of a first year coach. In such case, that coach must attend a State “F” license course during the first year or they will not be eligible to coach a second year. If a coach successfully completes the State “F” course, they will be reimbursed the cost of the State course by HUSA only if a coach coaches for a full soccer season after receiving said license, unless an exception is made by the Executive Board. In such a case, they will be entitled to receive a discount. All coaches shall have the following responsibilities:
(a) Must comply with all By-Laws, Constitution and Rule Book of HUSA,
(b) Must conduct at least one (1) practice per week
(c) Must conduct themselves appropriately as role models for their players - no use of profanity, no abuse of the referees at any time and no running up scores;
(d) Must ensure that every player plays 1/2 of every game;
Before the start of the soccer season, a draft of all players, starting at age U7, shall take place under the supervision of the Rec Vice Presidents. The draft shall be uniform for all flights, and shall be done so that the teams formed are as even as possible. Parity among the teams is a primary concern to HUSA and maintains the program’s credibility. Car pool requests shall be honored only under exceptional circumstances so as to eliminate any abuse of this procedure. The following procedure shall be followed:
(a) All coaches shall complete a player evaluation form by May 1 each year and provide them to the flight Commissioner
(b) Players shall be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the most skilled player;
(c) Ratings shall be done separately for boys and girls in the same flight;
(d) All coaches in the flight, together with the Vice Presidents, shall then make up all teams based on the ratings.
(e) Any team that has one more #1 than other teams will be by-passed on the next round of the draft. The same will apply for #2 and #3;
(f) The boys will be drafted first, and then the girls;
(g) Once all the teams are picked, the coaches with children in that flight will coach that child’s team, and those that are left will pick the teams out of a hat.
All children who register with HUSA after the draft is completed shall be placed on a waiting list pool and shall be placed on a team that, in the discretion of the VPs, is in most need of that player - keeping in mind that the primary concern is parity among the teams. The VPs may request input from the coaches in the flight as to the placement of any player as well. Travel players may only be added to teams in the Fall season. Only under exceptional circumstances shall a Travel player be added in the Spring, and only after unanimous vote of all flight coaches and Vice Presidents.
7. 1/2 GAME RULE:
Every child, regardless of their age, shall play 1/2 of every game. It shall be the coach’s responsibility to ensure that this rule is followed as it will be strictly enforced. Loss of coaching privileges may be imposed by the HUSA Board if not complied with.
There shall be no competition in the recreation program unless, in the discretion of the VPs, it can be a constructive environment for the children.
Any coach wishing to coach a Rec All-Star team shall submit said request to the HUSA Executive Board, preferably prior to the start of the Spring season. The Board will then decide said request. If a coach is approved to coach an All-Star team, the players for the team shall be selected by said coach under the following guidelines:
(a) The all-star coach shall properly advertise the formation of an All-Star team among those players in that flight by giving notice of same to all players in that flight. Notices shall also be posted at the Fields on the bulletin board and the web site;
(b) Try-outs shall be held by said coach, who shall be assisted by the other coaches in the flight and a Vice President of Rec;
(c) The coach will then select a team only after reviewing same with the Vice President. Where possible, at least one (1) player from each team in that flight shall be on the team;
(d) Once the team is formed, the coach shall be responsible to conduct at least one (1) practice per week. If there are any conflicts with any player’s own team practice, the all-star practice takes priority unless a conflict occurs more than two (2) times in which case the all-star coach shall change the practice time or the player will be allowed to attend their team practice.
Every player shall receive a uniform tee-shirt from HUSA . Players must also wear shorts. It is mandatory that every player must also wear shin guards or they will not be permitted to play. Players are also encouraged to wear cleats& socks. No jewelry, earrings, casts or hard head bands are permitted.
It has been determined by the HUSA Executive Board that it would be in the best interests of the Association that regulations be put in place for the governing of our Rec referees. The performance and appearance of our officiating corps are integral parts of every game, and as such, impact directly upon the reputation of our Association. To these ends, the following regulations shall be implemented immediately by the designated Referee Assignor for our Rec and Indoor programs. (Travel referees are regulated by NJSYSA)
Each person who intends to become a Rec referee must be licensed by the state. As a Rec referee, the class for the entry level is a Grade 9 license. A list of available classes is on the state website. Furthermore, each year you must provide proof to the Assignor that you have attended the annual recertification class offered by the state.
Prior to the Fall & Spring soccer season, the Assignor shall prepare a list of the available referees, based upon the referee’s licenses, experience, age and past performance. The list shall then be presented to the HUSA Executive Board for review and approval at the Board meeting prior to the beginning of that particular season. Once approved, the Referee Assignor shall offer assignment of games each week. Priority in all weekly assignments shall be given to those referees whose parents, or who themselves, have made substantial contributions of their time and energy to HUSA.
To be eligible to be a Rec referee you must have a license and must be recertified each year. As a CENTER REFEREE you must first ref the center of U8 thru U10 for a period of one (1) year while an experienced referee accompanies you as an assistant referee during said games. (This shall not apply to Rec U6 thru U8). To be eligible to be a CENTER REFEREE there must be at least a two (2) year age difference between the ref and the age group of the teams playing. (e.g., at the time the game is played, if the ref is 16, the oldest team age group shall be U14).
The proper dress code, i.e., (i) official socks wore to the knee; (ii) black sneakers; (iii) official uniform shirts tucked in; (iv) official black shorts. During inclement weather, HUSA shall allow referees to wear black pants/sweats.
The Assignor must be present at the weekly games in order to assess the performance of all referees, and to observe the conduct of the coaches. The Assignor will discuss with the referees any positive/constructive criticism of that referee’s performance. Also, as the need arises, the Assignor will conduct meetings to inform referees of the Rules of the Rec Program and any new developments with the Rec program.
Any coach/team wishing to coach in HUSA shall recognize and acknowledge they are part of HUSA’s overall TEAM, and shall conduct themselves with dignity and pride, and most of all, unconditional and selfless volunteerism. They must also realize and carry out the responsibility of developing each child, not only as an athlete, but also as a mature person. In furtherance of this TEAM spirit, each coach/team shall assist the club in setting up and breaking down the complex each season.
All Rec coaches must comply with HUSA policies concerning Kidsafe and mandatory fingerprinting referred to in this Rule book.
All Rec coaches are responsible for not only their behavoir/conduct, but the behavior/conduct of their players and spectators, and will be disciplined accordingly in accordance with HUSA’s SAGE policies referred to in this Rule Book.
All traveling teams registered under Hazlet United Soccer Association must abide by the By-Laws, Constitution and Rule Book.
Any coach/team wishing to play in HUSA shall recognize and acknowledge they are part of HUSA’s overall TEAM, and shall conduct themselves with dignity and pride, and most of all, unconditional and selfless volunteerism. They must also realize and carry out the responsibility of developing each child, not only as an athlete, but also as a mature person. In furtherance of this TEAM spirit, each coach/team shall assist the club in setting up and breaking down the complex each season.
The seasonal year for all traveling teams shall begin on August 1st and end on July 31st of the following year.
(a) Dates - Registration for all traveling teams will be held during the months of April and May prior to the start of the next seasonal year. There will be established special registration dates for teams formed between the Fall and Spring season. These dates will be scheduled on an "as needed" basis.
(b) Fees - Registration fees will be determined annually based on a budget prepared by the Executive Board. The fee structure will be announced at the April general meeting of HUSA. Registration fees will be collected in full by the coaches of each traveling team prior to the team being registered with their respective traveling league.
(For more information on the registration fees and discounts etc, please see the HUSA web site Links.)
All existing teams as of the merger date of Monmouth United Soccer Association and the Hazlet Soccer Club, i.e. July 1, 1991 will be allowed to play in the league of their choice in which HUSA is a member. Newly formed teams will also have their choice of leagues unless HUSA is unable to satisfy the required number of teams/referees/reps necessary to maintain membership in a particular traveling league. In the event that this occurs, HUSA, in its sole discretion, will register the team where necessary. Each traveling team shall abide by the rules and regulations of each respective traveling league within which they are registered. Teams will be allowed to switch leagues only if they are in "good standing" in their current traveling league.
(a) General Rule - Teams with less than nine (6) players for Short-sided teams and thirteen (10) players for Full-sided teams will not be allowed to register with HUSA as a traveling team. Teams may register a maximum of fourteen (14) players for Short-sided teams and eighteen (18) players for Full-sided teams on any one traveling team. All registration paperwork, along with the appropriate registration fees, must be submitted to the Traveling Vice-President by June 30th for all teams playing in the Fall season. For teams which will play in the Spring season, this must be done prior to December 29th. Any team dropping below the minimum requirement of players during their soccer season (Fall or Spring) will be allowed to finish out their current season.
(b) Exception - An exception to the requirements set forth in sub-section (a) of this rule may be permissible in the discretion of the Executive Board and the traveling coaches. In the event that a team cannot comply with the requirements as set forth in sub-section (a), said team must file a written notice with the Executive Board, explaining the reasons involved, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the registration deadlines for that particular season as set forth in sub-section (a). The Executive Board and the traveling coaches will then review, discuss and vote upon the request in accordance with Rule 17 below and will notify the traveling team with the results of that vote.
Teams wishing to play under HUSA which played under another club’s banner must submit their request in writing to the Executive Board no later than thirty (30) days prior to the established registration date for that season within which the team wishes to play. The request must include the reasons why the team wishes to switch leagues. The request will be reviewed, discussed and voted upon by the Executive Board and all of the traveling teams registered to the club in accordance with Rule 17 below. Teams which are not in good standing with their current league or club, or with New Jersey State Youth Soccer Association will not be considered.
Anyone wishing to start a new team must notify the Executive Board in writing, preferably by no later than May 1, outlining the coach’s qualifications, experience and reasons for such a request. Said coach/person must also be in good standing in the club. The request will be reviewed, discussed and voted upon by the Executive Board and all of the traveling teams registered to the club in accordance with Rule 17 below. The only permitted exception for voting will be for new U8 teams. In such event, approval of the travel teams is not required, and the decision will be made solely by the Executive Board.
Any player who is currently registered to a team in HUSA wishing to leave his or her current team to play for a new team within HUSA must receive the approval of the Executive Board and all of the traveling teams registered with the club. The player’s request must be forwarded to the Executive Board for review, approval and vote in accordance with Rule 17 below. Only requests for transfers between the Fall and Spring season will be considered. If a request to transfer a particular player between the Fall and Spring season will cause another team to not meet the minimum requirements of the rules involving team rosters, the transfer request will automatically be rejected. Furthermore, transfers requested after the Spring season are not necessary in light of the fact that the player becomes a free agent.
(a) HUSA will provide each Travel team with a free admission to its Columbus Tournament, provided however, that the travel team shares in the work detail for the tournament in accordnace with Rule 11 below.
(b) State/MOSA Cup Play - HUSA will also fund all registration fees, plus referee costs for all state/mosa cup play. HUSA shall also present each team member with a gift if the team becomes a champion of either Cup play.
(a) Funds - All proceeds from the traveling tournament will be given to HUSA’s general treasury.
(b) Working the Tournament:
(1) If a team is playing in the Tournament, that team will be required to work in some capacity for the tournament (e.g. field preparation, food stand, clean-up, etc.). If the team does complete the work, they will not have to pay the registration fees for the Tournament.
(2) Each travel team is responsible to secure teams to compete against within their own flight for the Tournament. If a team can demonstrate that it used all due diligence, but was unable to fill a flight, and that team does work in some capacity for the Tournament as set forth above.
(3) If a team plays in the Tournament, but refuses to work the tournament, or if a team volunteers to work, and does not fulfill its obligations to do so, in such cases, those teams will have all of their tournament funds as set forth in these Rules "withdrawn" or "docked".
(a) Fund Raisers - Traveling teams holding fundraisers are encouraged to contribute ten percent (10%) of the net profits from the fund raiser to HUSA’s general treasury. Before holding the fundraiser, the team must request permission to conduct said fundraising event by forwarding their request in writing to the Executive Board. The request must be in writing, and include information concerning a description of the fund raising event and where and when it will be held and how it will be supervised. The Executive Board will determine, in its sole discretion, as to whether or not said fund raising event shall be approved.
(b) Sponsorship - Sponsorship funds obtained by a traveling team belong to that team. No contribution to the HUSA’s general treasury is required.
(a) In order to be eligible to coach a HUSA traveling team, all coaches must have an "E" license and a coach’s liability certificate issued by the Youth Sports Resource Council of Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey. A one (1) year grace period will be granted to those coaches who already possess an “F” License and require the additional time to meet these requirements.
(b) Any waivers for the “E” License recognized by NJYA shall be accepted and recognized by HUSA. Any coach who successfully completes the course for the “E” License shall provide proof of same and, provided they have completed one (1) full year of coaching within HUSA after obtaining same, shall be reimbursed the cost of same.
(c) Coaches who are currently coaching a team and wish to retire and hand over a team to another coach must notify the Executive Board. Any coach replacing sad head coach must also be approved by the Executive Board and all traveling teams. Additionally, if a coach wishes to change the age group within which his or her team is currently playing, or to change traveling leagues, must also make such request in writing to the Executive Board. All requests will be reviewed, discussed and voted upon by the Executive Board and the traveling coaches.
(a) All coaches and/or team and/or player shall be subject to the disciplinary rules of the traveling league within which they are registered;
(b) All travel coaches, players, teams, trainers and spectators shall also be subject to the disciplinary policies of HUSA outlined in SAGE referred to in this Rule Book.
(c) Any coach who plays a player who is not carded with the state shall be immediately suspended for five (5) season games. If the season ends, the suspension will carry over. The coach also may not coach tournament or winter league games until the suspension is served completely. If this violation occurs a second time, the coach will be banned from HUSA.
(a) The Club shall institute a mandatory travel uniform policy that all teams must comply with.
(b) The Club colors are Green and White and Black. All shirts must display HAZLET UNITED or hazlet united club logo on left side of chest
(c) Accessories such as team training suits, bags, long sleeve mock turtlenecks and coach’s polos are optional. The placement of the club logo on these items is also optional, but encouraged. It shall also be encouraged that all uniforms and/or accessories display the flag of the United States of America.
(d) Each team shall contact the Uniform Coordinator to acquire their uniforms in a timely manner so as to insure the delivery of same before the start of the season. It is the coach’s responsibility to comply herein, and any team not in compliance shall not be permitted to play unless the Executive Board allows an exception. Please allow yourself at least a thirty (30) day window when ordering.
All tryouts for Travel teams will be conducted "as a club" during the month of May. The club will solicit information from all travel teams and place an ad in the newspapers and otherwise advertize the tryouts for each age group. It shall be the responsibility of every travel coach and assistant coach to contribute to the organization and hosting of the tryouts, and shall be present at the complex during tryout week.
(a) Executive Board and Traveling Teams - Where any rule set forth herein requires the vote of the Executive Board and of the traveling teams/coaches, the vote will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all members of the Executive Board and all of the traveling teams which are registered with the club, whether they are present or not. Voting and proxies will be permitted in accordance with the Constitution of HUSA.
(b) Wherever it is stated that a traveling coach may vote, it is the intention of these rules and regulations that each traveling team shall be entitled to only one (1) vote, regardless of the number of coaches the team may have. In addition, in the event that a traveling coach is also an Executive Board member, that person is only entitled to one (1) vote.
All Travel coaches must comply with HUSA policies concerning Kidsafe and mandatory fingerprinting referred to in this Rule book.
An issue concerning our club’s endorsement of summer soccer camps has arisen. It is the intent of the Executive Board that regulations be promulgated to insure the attainment of several goals and objectives. Although the Board recognizes that the "child" is the most important aspect of our organization’s existence, the Board also recognizes that the use of the fields and the complex must be regulated so that it is not further damaged or overused. It is also important that the Board recognize, in its discretion, those soccer camps that are sponsored by individuals who have had a long-standing relationship, either as a player, coach or volunteer with our club.
Objectives: To insure and instill a positive and experienced environment to provide to our kids, at all age levels, instruction, respect for the game and fun. A secondary objective is to control the number of camps so that the fields are not abused, and that the rules concerning field use are adhered to.
Policy: The following rules will apply to all individuals wishing to offer a summer soccer camp:
(a) The soccer camps must offer the level of quality so as to promote the objective stated herein;
(b) Soccer camps will only be allowed from July 1, through the third week of August, and only on designated fields;
(c) No more than two (2) soccer camps will be endorsed by the Board. Exception: The Board shall have the discretion to allow more than two (2) soccer camps if the Board feels that doing so would further the purposes and intent outlined herein;
(d) All those running their soccer camp must be fully insured, covering not only travelling players, but also recreational players, and must provide proof of insurance to the Board;
(e) All soccer camps must post a security deposit with HUSA in the amount of $250.00 to insure against damage to the fields which shall include the actual field surface, nets, goals and bathrooms, or to insure against violation of these rules;
(f) All soccer camps will be required to donate a specific cost per child to HUSA, which cost shall be determined by the Board;
(g) All soccer camps will be required to sign an indemnification agreement for the benefit of HUSA against any and all claims for damages as a result of the activities of the soccer camp.
(h) Each soccer camp will be responsible for its own field maintenance including setting up goals, lining fields, opening and closing all locks in front gate, bathrooms, garbage, etc., and the complex must be returned in the same condition it was in prior to the camp;
(i) The foodstand will be closed and is "off limits" to the camp and its members;
(Set A Good Example)
The Mission:
To remind us that the game is for the kids, that respect for others is a lesson we can help teach, and that setting a good example is more important than winning. Hazlet United Soccer Association is committed to good sportsmanship and appropriate conduct to make youth sports a positive experience which helps build self-esteem and promotes respect by and for everyone. Therefore, poor sportsmanship, including, but not limited to, loud and/or negative, criticizing or other inappropriate behavior towards any coach, referee, player or spectator will not be tolerated and will be handled in the following manner:
Verbal Warning:
Verbal warning from Referee – “Relax and enjoy the game”
First Offense:
Yellow card to Coach as or on behalf of offender, and incident with offender will be recorded with Board.
Second Offense:
Two (2) game suspension to Coach and/or offender.
Third Offense:
If offender is a Coach -- No longer permitted to Coach for HUSA;
If offender is a player – No longer permitted to play for HUSA;
If offender is a spectator – No longer permitted to be a spectator at HUSA.
Points to remember:
If you have anything to say, say something positive or don’t say it at all. Any negative or critical comment can be made at the appropriate time and place, but not at the fields and not in the presence of the kids. If an attempt in a calm and positive tone does not bring a positive response immediately, do not proceed and get into an argument. At no time should a coach, referee, player or spectator confront a person acting in a negative emotional manner.
All coaches must complete the approriate paperwork and policies concerning Kidsafe and mandatory fingerprinting. For an indepth review of the above issues, please refer to the HUSA web site "Links" on the left side of the Home Page. All such issues are incorporated herein by reference in this Rule Book as if fully setforth herein.